
  • Preface
    • Android Outliner is a tool to organize shopping lists, tasks, todo-lists, ideas and all kinds of memos. You can also use it to manage small projects.
      This is done in a tree-structure with collapsable nodes.
      It helps to organize your life.

    • Features And Definitions
    • You can have an unlimited number of outlines.
      You can configure the user interface of an outline.
      Every outline is a tree-structure of nodes.
      Every node in the tree-structure is called "activity" and has a title.
      You can move activities left/right/up/down to structure the outline and collapse or expand a sub-tree to view more or less detail.
      You can add a due date to remember when you have to work on an activity and you can mark it as finished or completed.
      You also can add a note to describe the activity.
      There are different views of an Outline (list/tree, due, todo).
      You can execute several actions on an Outline (expand levels, uncheck all, delete finished, ...).

    • Main Window
    • For an overview of what you can do in the main activity window please have a look at the annotated screenshot.


    • PRO version
    • Outliner's free version works well for all your basic needs. There are no ads and there is no data sent to any server.

      However, if you want to have additional features like synchronizing, rich text, subtree operations and much more, you may want to upgrade to Outliner's PRO version. You do this by additionally installing the App "Outliner Pro Key" which enables the PRO features within the free App.

      If you have more then one Android device, you don't have to purchase the PRO Key for every device. Just be sure to use the same PlayStore account on every device with wich you purchased the PRO Key. You can then simply install the PRO Key on every device.

      After you set up a new device, it may need a fews hours until Google enables the free download of the PRO Key. Just try again a bit later.

  • Outlines
    • You can create as many Outlines as you want. So you can have different places for different information. For instance create one Outline for your shopping lists and another one for the things you have to do. A third one to plan your next holidays and an important one for the things you lent to your friends.
      You may want to export your Mindmap files to OPML to have a quick overview inside Outliner.

      Outliner enables you to structure your data in a meaningful way.

      Do not add your working data to the Tutorial Outline as it gets updated with a new version and your data will be lost then. Simply create a new Outline for your data.

    • List Of Outlines
    • To add an Outline use the menu-button on your phone or the small plus-button on the lower right edge of the screen, when you see the list of Outlines.
      Clicking a line changes to the List of Activities.
      To delete or configure an Outline long-click a line and select a line in the context-menu.
      If you delete an Outline, Outliner always asks for a confirmation.

      There is an Action Bar at the top of the screen which provides shortcuts to some actions otherwise found in the menu.

      Do not use special characters for Outline names (e.g. one of: /\:*?"><|). You may get into trouble when you try to import/export/sync such Outlines.

      If you have a device with a physical keyboard, you can quickly navigate to an Outline by pressing the starting character on your keyboard.
      ENTER opens an Outline, long pressing ENTER opens the context menu.

      If your Outline is synced (PRO only) you see a small icon at the right border indicating the synchronization.

      The numbers at the right border are the total number of activities and the due activities. Due activities are not finished and have a due date today or in the past or have no due date at all.
      The second number is exactly the number of activities shown in the 'Due View'.
      Depending on the number of your Outlines the calculation may take a few seconds. If you are not interested in this information you can disable it in the Settings (Activity Count Outline List).

      The list of Outlines is sorted alphabetically. Outliner's PRO version has a Setting (Sort Order Outline List) letting you change the order via Drag & Drop.

    • Configure Outlines
      • To create more than one outline is a good idea because you can configure the user interface of each outline. You can hide the due dates in your shopping lists but show them in the list of things you have to do. And you may show the notes in the List containing your memos.

        You reach this dialog also via the menu button in the list of activities.

        In the Professional-Version you can define the synchronization mode separately for each Outline. You could sync your todo-list with Google Tasks via the internet and your memos and private things with a local Outliner like "Treeline" via Dropbox.

        You press OK or CANCEL to save or omit your changes. Keep in mind, that pressing the BACK-Button on your device saves the changes.

      • Show Notes
      • You can decide if you want to show the first lines of the activity notes on the activity list.
        If you decide to hide the notes, Outliner will show a small icon in the activity list indicating the existence of a non-empty note.

      • Show Due Date
      • You can decide if you want to show the due dates on the activity list.

      • Show Finished Checkbox
      • You can decide if you want to show a check-box on the activity list telling you whether the activity is completed or not. Clicking this check-box in the list toggles the status.

        Finished activities are always shown with "strike through" or "grey" text depending on your configuration in the "Settings".

      • Automatically Finish Branch (PRO)
      • If you check this box in the Outline Configuration, Outliner automatically finishes activities according to the state of parent or sibling activities.

        If you check an activity in the list of activities, Outliner checks all activities in the subtree. In addition Outliner checks all parents if all their children are checked.

        If you uncheck an activity in the list of activities, Outliner unchecks all activities in this branch (the subtree and all parents).

        Outliner only performs this action if you change an activity. It does not touch the state if you import/sync an Outline or if you just toggle the flag in the Outline Configuration.

        Some views (e.g. Show Due) hide activities. When Outliner automatically changes the state of several activities of a branch, also the hidden activities are changed and the state of hidden activities is respected when Outliner decides whether to check a parent or not.

      • Rich Text (Format Activity Notes) (PRO)
      • Here you decide if this is a plain text Outline or if you want to use simple formatting (like bold, italic, font color, font size, ...) in the activity notes.

        After enabling Rich Text there is a button bar with formatting buttons below your text in the activity note. On smaller displays not the whole button bar is visible but you can move it left/right with your finger to reach all the buttons.
        The rightmost button removes the formatting of the selected text or of the whole note if no text is selected.

        After disabling Rich Edit, Outliner removes all the formatting next time you open the Outline. The Outline is plain text afterwards.

        If your Outline is synced, you must enable Rich Text for this Outline also on your other Android devices.


        - syncing with plain text Apps

        If you sync with desktop Apps or if you use the Google Tasks Web Application, you will see HTML formatting tags (like <br/>, <b>, <i>, ...) in your text. In this way Outliner stores the formatting. The other Apps are plain text and do not understand HTML formatting. Even Treepad does not understand it because it uses a different Rich Text format (RTF).
        If you don't care about the HTML tags you can change the text in your Desktop App as you are used to including adding new lines. During the next sync Outliner adds the line ending tags.

        - performance issues on older devices

        On older devices you may experience a significant lag when opening the Activity Edit Dialog. The reason is that font loading and the creation of the button bar need considerable resources. If you are not happy with the lag, you can't use Rich Text on this device. Plain text is as quick as before.

      • Quick Edit
      • Quick Edit means, that you can directly edit the activity-titles in the activity-tree.
        If you press RETURN within an activity-title, a new activity is generated as a successor of the actual one.

        This is great if you want to edit the structure of an outline, but it needs more room on your small display.

        To get the context menu for editing or moving the activity you have to long click exactly the activity-title and not any other field in the row.
        Swiping to change the indentation does not work in quick edit mode.

      • Font Size Activity List
      • Configure the size of the font in the list of activities separately for every outline.

        This is useful if you have high resolution device where the font is too small or if you want to show more information on the screen.

      • Default View Activity List (PRO)
      • Here you can decide which view is shown, when you open the Outline to show the activities.

        Usually it is the normal list (tree). But you can also choose another view like "Show Due" or even the last view you selected when you worked in the Activity List.

      • Synchronization (PRO)
      • If you have the Professional version, you can configure if and how this outline syncs with other systems.
        The free version does not provide syncing.

      • Color (PRO)
      • If you have the Professional version, you can configure how the Outline deals with colors.

        "Level Colors" gives the first six levels of the Outline a certain color and repeats these colors for the second six levels.

        Outliner suggests sensible default colors for the first six levels depending on your chosen theme (Light/Dark) if you enable Level Colors. However, you can choose your own colors by pressing the small button right to the color-listbox. For each level you can choose a color with a color wheel. The big middle circle is the general color and the half-round slider at the right side is the lightness. The half-round area at the left shows the chosen color.
        "Default" switches back to the default colors for this Outline.

        If you want to save your personal Settings for the Level Colors for future use in other Outlines, choose "Menu, Save Personal". Later, in an other Outline, you can load your preferred Level Colors via "menu, Load Personal".

        If you don't want to use any colors at all, change the configuration to "No Outline Colors".


        If you choose "High Contrast Fonts" in your global Android Settings, Android then overrides Outliner's colors. You will see black & white fonts again, some with a border. No matter what level colors you choose. Outliner unfortunately can't do anything against it. This is what "High Contrast Fonts" means.

        If you use the automatic (system) theme, which automatically switches between light and dark, you may want to stick to the default level colors instead of the the personal ones. The default colors are theme sensitive, the personal colors are not.

    • Duplicate Outline (PRO)
    • If you quickly need a copy of your Outline, choose "Duplicate Outline" in the context menu of an Outline (long tap in the list of Outlines).

      This may be helpful if you have a list of template-Outlines. You don't need to start with a new Outline from scratch but you rather copy it from a template and change the template.

      Examples for possible templates:
      - holiday check list
      - shopping list
      - project template
      - presentation template
      - meeting template

      After duplicating an Outline you should change it's name via "Config Outline". By default duplicating just adds a "(1)" to the Outline name of your copy.
      If the source Outline is synced, the destination Outline also is synced using the same sync method. Please open the copy at least once to be written to Dropbox or Google Tasks.

    • Launcher Shortcuts (PRO)
    • - Launcher shortcuts

      You can add a shortcut for certain Outlines to your launcher desktop to quickly open an often used outline.
      Using the back-button in this list of activities brings you back to the launcher, not to the list of Outlines. For the list of Outlines please use the standard Outliner icon.

      Create the shortcut by long clicking the lists of Outlines.

      Deleting the shortcut does not delete the Outline.

      This feature may not work on every launcher or on every device. Give it a try!

      - Dynamic Launcer Shortcuts (Android 8 and above)

      If you long tap Outliner's icon in your launcher, you will see a popup which shows the last opened Outlines and (if you have one) your inbox Outline. In addition you have the possibility to quickly add an activity to your inbox.
      By tapping the popup you can quickly open your most important Outlines without opening the list of Outlines and choosing the Outline. Similar to the launcher shortcuts from above but glued to Outliner's launcher icon.

      You can create shortcuts of the dynamic launcher shortcuts on your desktop by dragging the dynamic launcher shortcut to your desktop. This e.g. makes it possible to create an icon on your desktop to quickly add an activity to your inbox.

    • Search (PRO)
    • Use the Search button on your phone or the Search menu (if your device does not provide a Search button). Outliner finds all Activities matching the criteria you put into the search field. Outliner searches in the Activity names and notes.

      You can connect search terms with "and" to find activities including both terms.
      For instance if you search for "down and rabbithole" Outliner finds activities which include the words "down" and "rabbithole", no matter if the words are in the name or the note of an activity.
      If you search for "down the and rabbithole and wonderland", Outliner finds activities which include "down the" and "rabbithole" and "wonderland".

      It does not matter whether you use uppercase or lowercase letters in your search.

      If you start the search from the list of Outlines, Outliner searches all Outlines. Starting the search from the list of Activities only finds Activities within the actual Outline.

      If you have the PRO version, you can click an Activity in the list of found Activities. Outliner opens the Outline, positions the Activity topmost and marks it.

      If you open the searched Activity, Outliner tries to find the search string in the Activity note and positions the cursor accordingly. This works well for plain search strings, but not for complex ones where terms are connected with "and".
      With the Action Menu (the three dots in the upper right corner) you are able to find the next occurrence of the searched string.

      Every search criteria is stored in the search history so that you can quickly choose most used searches.

      In addition to normal search you could use search to establish a tagging system. Put tags (e.g. #shopping, #friends, #holiday, @company, @home ...) into your Activity notes or names and easily find Activities matching the tag. Intelligent organizing of the tags even gives you more flexibility (#shoppingFood, #shoppingClothing, #holidayThailand, #holidayUS, ...).
      If you have the PRO version, there is a view (Show @Hashtag) where you can group your activities by the hashtag.

    • Filter Outlines (PRO)
    • Via "Menu, Filter Outlines" it is possible to just show one or more groups of tagged Outlines and hide the rest (PRO only). This is helpful if you have a long list of Outlines and want to focus on certain group.

      To put an Outline into a group you add one or more #Hashtags into the Outline note. This is done in "Config Outline".
      Examples: #favorites, #holiday, #shopping, @work, @home, ...
      If you add two #Hashtags to an Outline it belongs to two groups. So you can for instance put the preparation for your next trip to the sea into your #favorites and #holiday. You can mix up #Hashtags with the normal text. Just separate them from the text and from each other by a space character or a period or a line feed.

      "Menu, Filter Outlines" shows a list of all #Hashtags in all Outline notes. Checking these #Hashtags shows the checked groups only and hide the other Outlines in the list.
      "Show All (no filter)" disables filtering and shows the whole list. So you can quickly peek into your original long list and enable the filter again afterwards.
      "All without Hashtags" shows all Outlines without a #Hashtag in the notes. This may be helpful if you start to add the #Hashtags and want to know, which Outlines do not yet have any. You could also use this if you mark unimportant Outlines with a #Hashtag and want to hide them.


      If you have synced Outlines, it may not be a good idea to add #Hashtags to the Outline name (even if it would be possible), because changing the #Hashtag would change the filename for synchronization. Better only use the Outline note in this case.

      The list of activities also can handle #Hashtags. But in this case a special view groups the list of activities by the #Hashtags.
      This is separated from the behavior in the list of Outlines. Don't mix up these two things. Use the Outline note for filtering Outlines.

      If you don't have any #Hashtags in your list of Outlines, you can't filter. Outliner will tell you if you try.

      If you enabled a filter and you add a new Outline without a #Hashtag or a #Hashtag belonging to your actual filter, the Outline will be hidden. Add a #Hashtag or change the filter.
      There can be situations after changing and deleting Outlines where all your Outlines are hidden. Just change the filter in this situation.

      While a filter is enabled you can't sort your list of Outlines via Drag & Drop. To do so, just temporarily disable the filter.

      If you are lazy, keep in mind that the shortest #Hashtag is a simple # or @.

      Your #Hashtags inside the Outlines do not sync between your devices because your notes do not sync. So you have the possibility to create different groups on each device.

  • Activities
    • Activities are the content of your Outlines.
      Depending on what you want, an activity can be a line of a memo, a thing you want to buy at the supermarket or a task you have to finish next week.

    • List Of Activities
      • The default list is the tree view (well, THE Outline).

        You add an activity by pressing the menu-button (add at the end) or by long pressing an existing activity and choosing the context menu (add after the actual activity as sibling or child).
        To add an activity at the end of the list you can also use the small plus-button on the lower right edge of the screen.

        You change the level (left/right) of an activity and the order (up/down) by choosing the context menu.
        Swiping (moving your finger) left/right on an activity line in the list also changes the level (indentation). Swiping does not work in Quick Edit Mode.
        You can also use the "Move Mode" for these actions. Use the menu or simply a double tap somewhere on the list to toggle "Move Mode".

        The small button on the right side of every list item can be used to Drag & Drop an activity to another position within the list. In the Settings you can hide this button for all lists. However, in move mode the button stays visible.

        You collapse or expand the next level of a subtree by clicking the little arrow-button on the left. This only works, if the activity has children.
        LogTap the expand/collapse button expands the whole subtree if it is collapsed and vice versa (PRO only).

        You expand or collapse the notes shown next to the activity name by choosing the context menu. This is only a temporary change of the view to peek into a note. After reopening an outline the maximum number of lines shown for a note is determined by the settings.
        Configure per Outline if notes are shown at all in the activity list.

        You edit an activity by tapping a line.

        You delete an activity and all its children by choosing the context menu.
        If you want Outliner to ask for a confirmation when you delete an activity you can configure this in the "Settings".
        After deleting an activity you have a few seconds to undo the action via a small dialog inserted at the bottom.

        If you are in quick-edit-mode you get the context menu by long tapping (tap and hold) exactly the activity name. Scroll down the context menu to see all options.

        There is an Action Bar at the top of the screen which provides shortcuts to some actions otherwise found in the menu (the three buttons on the right in the Action Bar).

      • Context Menu
        • Long tapping an activity opens a context menu which enables you to do several things with the chosen activity/subtree.
          For instance:
          - edit (the same as clicking a line)
          - add previous sibling
          - add sibling
          - move
          - expand/collapse notes
          - delete

          There is an item "Subtree" in the context menu, if you have the PRO version. It includes some actions with the chosen activity and all it's children.
          For instance:
          - cut/copy/paste a subtree (also between different outlines)
          - expand/collapse a subtree
          - logTap the expand/collapse button does the same
          - expands the whole subtree if it is collapsed and vice versa
          - share subtree (send subtree as html file to Dropbox, Mail, ...)
          - sort activities by due date / alphabetically / finish state
          - zoom into subtree

        • Sort Activites
        • In the context menu of activity, under 'Subtree' you can sort your activities.

          Sorting the children sorts the subtree below the chosen activity. But only one level.

          For an activity on level 1 you can additionally sort all siblings of this activiy. This enables you to sort level 1.

          Sorting by finish state moves all finished activities to top or bottom depending of the Setting "Add Activity At The Top".

        • Zoom Into Subtree
        • In the context menu of an activity, under 'Subtree' you zoom into a subtree.

          That means, that you only see the children of the activity where you zoomed into from. All other items are hidden. That is useful if you want to focus on one special subtree in a long list of activities with several levels.

          You will see a bar at the top of the list with a "breadcrumb track" of the parent activities to visualize the position of the zoomed subtree in your list.
          Tapping the X-Button on the right side of the bar zooms out to your original list.
          Tapping an activity name in the breadcrumb track zooms out into the tapped parent activity.

          The back-key closes the Outline as usual.

      • Add Menu
      • Add an activity at the end of the list.
        This is the same as the small plus-button on the lower right edge of the screen.

      • Search Menu
      • Use this menu if your device does not provide a search button. Outliner searches in notes and names within the actual Outline.

      • Move Menu
        • Toggle "Move Mode" via Menu or simply via a double tap somewhere in the list.

          The "Move Mode" enables quick moving of activities with the help of 4 buttons on the lower end of the screen. Mark an activity with a tap and then use the buttons for up/down/left/right moves.

          Outliner's PRO version provides additional buttons for "cut/copy/paste" subtree. These are shortcuts for the subtree menu items in the context menu.

          The move buttons together with "cut/copy/paste" help to reorganize the structure of an Outline very quickly.

          "Quick Edit" is disabled while "Move Mode" is on.
          A short tap just marks a line. Use a long tap to get a context menu where you can choose "Edit".
          Swipe also works in "Move Mode".

        • Physical Keyboard
        • If your device has a real keyboard (like some Android Blackberries) or if you have a tablet with an attached hardware-keyboard, keyboard shortcuts can be used to manipulate and move Activities.

          - Cursorkeys up/down to navigate
          - Cursorkeys left/right to expand/collapse
          - Shift+Cursorkeys or Shift+U/D/L/R to move up/down/left/right
          - Shift+S for adding a new Activity as sibling
          - Shift+C for adding a new Activity as child
          - Shift+N for adding a new Activity at the end of the Outline
          - Shift+M for opening a context menu
          - Shift+E to edit an Activity

          A long hold of the "Enter" key opens the context menu (not in quickView) and there usually is also a menu key on your keyboard to open the normal menu and a back key a well.

          In the list of Outlines you can quickly navigate to an Outline by pressing the starting character on your keyboard.

          This enables you to work with Outliner only via your keyboard.

      • View Menu
        • It is possible to have different views at the activities.
          Usually you work in a tree-like structure, where you can organize your activities.
          But you can also switch to a todo view which shows, what you have to do next.

        • Tree View
        • Clicking a line in the list of Outlines brings you to standard the tree view.

        • ToDo View
        • Within an activity list you can use the menu to switch to the ToDo View (View, Show ToDo).
          This shows all unfinished activities grouped by the due date. Each group can be expanded/collapsed.

          This is the view which tells you what to do next.

          Without due dates this view does not make much sense.

          It is possible to edit activities (e.g. to finish them), but you cannot add or delete activities as long as you are in this view.

          Change to the tree view again by the menu button or go back to the outline list by the back button.
          Long pressing an activity lets you jump back to the tree view with the activity highlighted (PRO only).

        • Due View (PRO)
        • Show Due shows the activity tree in normal order but hides all finished activities and all activities not yet due. Activities without a due date are shown. If Outliner hides an activity, the whole subtree (all children) is hidden as well.

          This view is only available in the PRO version.

        • #Hashtag View (PRO)
        • With hashtags (e.g.: #holiday, #shopping, @home, @company) you can tag your activities depending on the way you want to search or group the data in your Outlines. Write one or more hashtags somewhere into your activity names or notes.

          Usually your Outlines are organized in a hierarchical way (a tree). Tagging is powerful instrument to provide an additional view to the same data.

          Choose "View, Show #Hashtag" and you will see your Outline sorted by your hashtags. In the first level are all the hashtags you used in your Outline and in the second level are your tagged activities. Only activities with hashtags are shown.
          If different hashtags are in one activity, the activity is found below more than one hashtag.
          If the same hashtag is used in different activities, all those activities are shown below this hashtag.

          In a way the #Hashtag View is similar to the ToDo view. The sort criteria for the ToDo view is the due date - in the #Hashtag View it is the hashtag itself.

          For Outliner every word starting with # or @ is a hashtag. Most people use @ for places (like the "at" in mail addresses). It does not matter if you use uppercase or lowercase letters. Outliner does not distinguish between uppercase and lowercase letters.

          Change to the tree view again by the menu button or go back to the outline list by the back button.
          Long pressing an activity lets you jump back to the tree view with the activity highlighted.

          This view is only available in the PRO version.

      • Action Menu
      • Via an "Action Menu" you can perform several actions on an Outline. These actions may change one or more activities of the Outline.

        You collapse or expand all the activities of the Outline down to a certain level by choosing "Expand Levels".

        You can uncheck all finished activities of the actual Outline (PRO). This is helpful if you have a reusable checklist (e.g. a pack-list).

        You can delete all finished activities of the actual Outline (PRO). Use this to get rid of completed tasks you are not interested in any more. Be careful - this really deletes checked activities including unchecked sub-activities or hidden activities below a checked activity (collapsed or hidden by the view).

        You can import and export. Please check the section about import/export for details.

        You can share an Outline with several other Apps on your system. Outliner creates a HTML file which is send for instance to your Mail Application, to Dropbox or your file manager. Via "Settings, Synchronization Settings, HTML Style" you can choose how your export looks like (Bullet List or chapters for Word export).

      • Config Menu
      • Configure the Outline by pressing the menu-button and choosing "Config Outline". This is the same dialog like the one you get if you choose the context menu item of an Outline in the list of Outlines.
        Here you can change the name and the appearance of the Outline.

    • Edit Activity
    • Clicking an activity name in an activity list brings you to the edit-screen.
      You can edit status, due date and note.

      The small button right of the due date lets you clear or advance the due date by a day/week/month/year.

      You press OK or CANCEL to save or omit your changes. Keep in mind, that pressing the BACK-Button on your device saves the changes.

      The OK>> button saves the actual activity and jumps to the next one so that you do not have to go back to the list to edit the next activity.
      This is the quickest way to edit a number of consecutive activities.

      The OK+Sibling button adds a sibling activity to the opened activity (a new activity next to the recent one).

      The OK+Child button always adds a child to the opened activity (a next level activity).

      In the menu there is an action "Search". This searches for a string in the activity note and positions the cursor accordingly. "Search" finds the first occurrence, "Search Next" finds the next occurrence after the current cursor position.
      The back button leaves the search dialog without searching.

      In the menu there is an action "Add Date/Time" which adds the actual date and time into the focused field at the actual cursor position.

      If there are web-links or mail addresses in the notes field, you will see them underlined. Clicking the link opens the corresponding application.
      If you want to edit the link instead of opening it, try a long click onto it or next to it.
      Use this feature together with Outliner as a sharing target to collect interesting web links in Outliner and simply open it afterwards.

      If you select text Android shows a popup with things you can do with the selected text (copy, paste, ...). Under the overflow menu Outliner also shows "Web Search". This opens a Google search of your selected text in your standard browser.

    • Import / Export
      • If you already have lists in a electronic form, you can import these lists into Android Outliner.

        If you don't have the Professional-Version, you can also use this feature to backup your Outlines to your memory card.

        While exporting Outliner creates files on your SD-card using the name of your Outline. So it's a good idea to use Outline names not containing special characters like "/" or "\". However you can always overwrite the suggested filename.

      • HowTo Import / Export
        • Outliner uses a directory on your memory card:
          If you don't find Outliner's file folder on your internal SD-Card, please check "Settings, General Settings, SD Card Folder".

          If you export, outliner creates the files there.
          If you import, Outliner shows a list of previously exported files to choose from.
          If you get your import file from somewhere else, put it in your downsload folder and then use the file picker in the Import dialog to access this file.
          The easiest way is to name the files like you named the outline (which is the default).

          Please check the documentation of your phone about how to access the directory from your computer.

          If you decide to choose another directory or another name for your import file you can use a file manager to pick the file (the button with the tree dots next to the filename).
          On newer Android devices there is a standard file picker which Outliner automatically chooses no matter which file managers you have installed. Don't forget to enable your internal SD-card via the file manager's menu (the tree dots in the upper right corner).

          Android's internal file manger can't access "android/data". Please use a third party file manager to access this folder. For instance:
          - Fv File Explorer: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.folderv.file
          - Cx File Explorer: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cxinventor.file.explorer
          - Total Commander: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ghisler.android.TotalCommander

        • Import
        • Place an import file into your download folder or use a previous export.
          After you created a new outline, go to the activity list (which is empty).
          I suggest to use exactly the same name for the Outline as you used for the filename (e.g. "Holiday" and "Holiday.opml").

          - Choose "Import Outline" from the "Actions" menu.
          - Choose a file format.
          - Choose whether you want to overwrite your Outline or append the imported data.
          - Choose a filename. The system suggests the title of the Outline as the filename.
          - Use the button right to the filename to choose an other file from Outliner's import directory.
          - Or call the Android file picker ("Pick Other"), to choose the file from your download folder.
          - Press OK to imort.


          If you don't find Outliner's file folder on your internal SD-Card, please check "Settings, General Settings, SD Card Folder".

          Android's internal file manger can't access files below "android/data". Please use a third party file manager to access this folder. For instance:
          - Fv File Explorer: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.folderv.file
          - Cx File Explorer: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cxinventor.file.explorer
          - Total Commander: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ghisler.android.TotalCommander

          Android's file picker can't access files below "android/data". If, on newer devices, Outliner's import directory is located under "android/data", put your import file into your download folder.

          If you use the Android file picker you can choose import files from any allowed location, even from Dropbox or Google Drive. After coming back you may see some unreadable character combinations in the file name field. This is the internal name the App (e.g. Dropbox) suggests for the import file. Ignore it, scroll down and press OK to import..

        • Export
        • Open an Outline.

          - Choose "Export Outline" from the "Actions" menu.
          - Choose a file format.
          - Choose a filename. The system suggests the title of the Outline as the filename.
          - Press OK.
          - Use the button right to the filename to choose an alternative folder (e.g. "downloads") to export the Outline.

          You will find the exported Outline at "...SD-Card-Folder.../outliner/import" if you did not choose an alterative folder.
          If you don't find Outliner's file folder on your internal SD-Card, please check "Settings, General Settings, SD Card Folder".

          Android's internal file manger can't access "android/data". Please use a third party file manager to access this folder. For instance:
          - Fv File Explorer: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.folderv.file
          - Cx File Explorer: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cxinventor.file.explorer
          - Total Commander: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ghisler.android.TotalCommander

          Choosing an alternative folder for the export is helpful, if your device does not allow your file manager to access Outliner's default import/export folder.

      • File Formats

        • Bonsai CSV
        • You can import and export CSV Files used by Natara Bonsai. These files were exported and imported by Natara Bonsai, which was a great Outliner for Windows and Palm. It is not developed any more, but a lot of people still use it and have files with this format.

          You have to choose a date format for CSV import/export. Depending on your localization the date format can differ. Check the dates in the CSV you exported from Bonsai and decide which date format to select in the Outliners import/export dialog.

          If Outliner does not import dates, you selected a wrong date format.

          0. Title
          1. Unique Id
          2. Item type ( 0=Simple, 1=To Do, 2=Task)
          3. Outline depth (0=root)
          4. Percent complete
          5. Priority
          6. custom numeric field
          7. Create date
          8. Start date
          9. Due date
          10. Completed date (e.g.: "13.11.2010")
          11. Category text
          12. Keywords
          13. Contact
          14. Note

          "ActivityName","405719297","1","0","100","1","0","","13.11.2010","14.11.2010","15.11.2010","Unfiled","","","This is a note"

          Because Bonsai is not developed any more the their Website may be down.
          However, a lot of people are still using Bonsai. So we keep it just for the records.

          You also can create this CSV-Format with a text editor or with Excel to import Outlines from different formats.
          To see how it works, create an Outline with various information in Outliner, export it and look at the CSV.
          Keep in mind, that you have exactly to follow the structure above. If you do not need some of the columns, fill them with default values (e.g. "0") or leave them empty (""). Having just a file with the postfix "CSV" does not necessarily mean that is has the internal structure which Outliner needs.

          The character set, Outliner uses when importing CSVs, is "ISO-8859-1" which addresses most western languages. For other languages use "UTF-8" and read the description for "Bonsai CSV (UTF-8)" in the next chapter.

        • Bonsai CSV (UTF-8)
        • Bonsai CSV import uses the character set for most western languages (ISO-8859-1). If you work with other character sets like Russian or Japanese and you want to import or export CSVs, it is better to use a general character set which understands all languages. This is why Outliner also exports and imports CSVs with "UTF-8" character set.

          Excel can import UTF-8 files (check the manual or ask Google) but not export them. When using Windows, Notepad can create UTF-8 files from Excel CSVs.

          Example for importing to Outliner from data with international characters others than the western ones:

          - use Excel to create a CSV in Bonsai format
          - open CSV in Windows Notepad
          - save CSV with UTF-8 character set
          - transfer CSV to SD-card
          - import CSV in Outliner using "Bonsai CSV (UTF-8)"

        • Bonsai OTL
        • You can directly import Natara Bonsai Outlines (xxx.OTL).
          Only the Professional Version exports OTL-files.

          More information at http://www.natara.com/Bonsai.
          Because Bonsai is not developed any more the above Website may be down.

        • Treepad HJT
        • You can import Treepad files (xxx.hjt).
          Only the Professional Version exports HJT-files.

          Treepad is not developed any more, but a lot of people still use it and have files with this format.

          Treepad usually works with a western character set (ISO-8859-1). This is also Outliners default setting when it imports/exports/syncs with Treepad. For a non western character go to 'settings, Synchronisation, Treepad Character Set' and choose the one you also use on your desktop (PRO only).

          If your imported text is unreadable and includes strange character combinations:
          Please keep in mind, that Outliner is text based. It preserves RTF-formatted nodes from Treepad but it does not show them properly.
          In Treepad the default node format is plain text. But when you format your text there (font, italic, bold,...), add pictures or links, Treepad changes to RTF. Outliner preserves the node when it imports but can't show the information properly.
          In Treepad you can change the format back to plain text if you position the mouse over a node in the tree on the left side and choose "right mouse button, convert, all subtree articles to plain text". Be careful with that if you have pictures in your nodes.

        • Treeline TRLN
        • You can import Treeline files (xxx.trln).
          Only the Professional Version exports TRLN-files.

          Treeline is a free open source desktop Outliner available for Windows, Linux and Mac.
          More information at http://treeline.bellz.org/

          Within Treeline you can define the node types yourself. That means you decide wich fields and field types you use in your Outline.
          However, Outliner only knows the following fields.

          - Name OneLineText
          - Text Text
          - Finished Boolenan (imports 'Done' as well)
          - DueDat Date

          Outliner ignores all other fields when importing TRLN.

        • Text TXT
        • This is the most simple file format. A plain text file (xxx.txt) with just one activity per line. No due date, no finished flag, no notes or other fields. The indentation of an activity is the number of leading TABs in each line.

          Example (e.g. Lines.txt):

          Line 1
          Line 2
          <TAB>Line 2.1
          <TAB>Line 2.2
          <TAB><TAB>Line 2.2.1
          Line 3
          Line 4

          A text file is the quickest way to import a list. Use any text editor on your Desktop, save the file as txt, put it to the Android device in Outliners import directory and import it.
          Most Desktop Outliners can import/export this file format as well.

          Only the Professional Version exports TXT-files.
          If there are notes attached to an activity, Outliner exports all lines of the note as separate activities.
          Even you enabled richText your Outline, TXT export always exports plain text.


          A TAB is not a space - you get a TAB, if you press the Tabulator key at the left side of your keyboard. <TAB> in the example above is just a symbol for the empty space you get when you press the Tabulator key.

        • Text TXT (UTF-8)
        • If you have a non western character set like Russian or Japanese, you can use this file format. With the Windows Notepad you can save text files in UTF-8 format which you can then import into Outliner.

        • HTML (PRO)
        • After exporting to HTML you can share your Outline by mailing it or you can print it with one of the printing utilities in the Google Play Store (e.g. PrinterShare).

          Some HTML viewers cannot deal with blanks in the filename. Outliner replaces all blanks in the exported file with "_".

        • OPML
        • OPML is a XML format, most Outliners can read and write.

          You find examples and the description of the OPML-format here:

          Unfortunately official OPML just knows the tree structure and node names. Nothing about notes and due dates and finish flags. Outliner exports this additional data as well but the chance that an other application can read it is not very high.

          It is always a good idea to export an example OPML with Outliner and with your desktop Outliner, open the files with a text editor and compare the files. If you only rely on the node names and the tree structure, everything should work out of the box.

          PRO version:

          Via "Menu, Settings, Synchronization Settings, OPML Dialect / OPML Date Format" you can influence the file format Outliner uses while importing/exporting/syncing OPML.

          - OPML Dialect, Plain OPML
          Outliner creates a new activity for the notes when exporting OPML. This destroys your structure but keeps your data if your import target does not understand notes.

          - OPML Dialect, Description Attribute
          Outliner puts the notes into a "description" attribute.
          The "description" attribute keeps your Outline structure but not every Outliner application can read it.

          - OPML Dialect, OmniOutliner
          Outliner reads and writes an OPML dialect the well known Mac OmniOutliner can understand.
          Please keep in mind, that Outliner is text based and only has a fixed amount of columns. With OmniOutliner you can define as much columns as you want and you can also apply text formatting to the columns.
          When you save the File as OPML within OmniOutliner you lose the text formatting.
          Outliner only understands the following column names: text, _note, _status, due-date
          All others you manually defined in OmniOutliner will get lost after importing.

          - OPML Date Format
          Please choose the date format you prefer and your desktop Outliner understands.

  • Sync With Other Systems (PRO)
    • If you have the Professional version, you can configure if and how an Outline syncs with other systems.
      The free version does not provide syncing.

      You define syncing separately for each Outline. That makes it possible to choose different or no sync targets for each outline. In "Config Outline" there is a ListBox to choose the sync method.


      Be sure to understand how the sync method works when setting up synchronization. Some methods are more complicated than others. Please carefully read the tutorial.
      Outliner tries to preserve fields of the other systems, even if it does not support them itself. But this does not work for every field. Unsupported fields are mentioned in the description of the sync method. In this case choose "use desktop value" for all conflicts.
      Try everything with test-Outlines first in order to avoid losing your data.
      Make regular backups of your data!

      During sync Outliner creates files on your SD-card using the name of your Outline. So it's a good idea to use Outline names not containing special characters like "/" or "\".

    • Google Tasks
      • Outliner (PRO only) is able to sync with Google Tasks.

        Within Google calendar (the browser version) you can show your tasks in a side panel right of your calendar.
        There is also a Google Tasks App from Google.

        Attention, level restriction:
        Please keep in mind, that Google's Tasks implementations only support 2 levels (tasks and one level of subtasks).
        So Outliner is also forced to support only 2 levels for Outlines synced with Google Tasks. Local Outlines or Outlines synced with other systems support infinite levels. You find a detailed explanation in the next chapter.

        You can create several task lists (like "Outlines" in Outliner) with tasks (like "Activities" in Outliner).

        - Setting up synchronization

        In Outliner's "Settings, Synchronization" check "Sync With Google Tasks". Outliner asks for your Google account and for the permission to access your Google Tasks. After leaving the Settings, you will see your Google Tasks lists in the list of Outlines. The synced Outlines have a small indication icon at the right.

        Whenever you open Outliner, the App checks Google Tasks if there are new or deleted tasks lists. Opening an Outline synced with Google Tasks loads the latest changes from Google Tasks. Closing an Outline writes the local changes to Google Tasks.
        You don't have to care about being connected to the internet. Outliner cares for the synchronization next time your open the outline with an internet connection. Even if you have changed the Outline in both places.

        Unchecking the box in "Settings, Synchronization" removes the Google Tasks from the local list of Outlines, but does not delete the Outlines in Google Tasks.

        - Adding a new Outline to Google Tasks

        If you have an Outline in Outliner which you want to sync to Google Tasks, you open "Config Outline" and choose "Synchronization, Google Tasks".
        This adds it to Google Tasks.
        If you want to change a synced Outline to a local Outline, choose "Synchronization, No Sync". This deletes the Outline from Google Tasks, but keeps the local one.

        - Deleting a synced Outline

        If you delete a synced Outline in Outliner, the Outline is deleted from Outliner and from Google Tasks. This is the same if you delete an Outline in Google Tasks. Next time you open Outliner, the Outline is removed from the list of Outlines.
        Take care and know what you do!

        - Two or more Android devices

        You can use this feature to sync several Android devices. Just set up the synchronization with the same Google account on all of your devices and you're done. This works, even if you never open Google Tasks via your browser.
        Only name, note, due date and completed state are synced, because these are the fields, Google Tasks knows about.
        If you rename your Outline locally, this also renames the Outlines on your other devices.

        - GTask For Desktop

        There is a great Desktop Outliner for Google Tasks. It syncs in background and also works offline. Unlike most Google Task Outliners it lets you collapse and expand the subtrees. A 30 day test version is available. Have a look at:
        Because it is written in Java, it also runs on Linux.

        - Calendar entries

        Google shows tasks with due dates in it's online calendar. That means: if you use the Google Calendar App you see your Activities with Due Dates in your Calendar for your Tasks-synced Outlines.
        Unfortunately most other calendar Apps for Android don't have this feature. However, if you check the Play Store you will find calender Apps including this feature. Jorte for instance does the job and others as well. Please refer to the documentation of your calendar App to find out.


        After updating your Android System to Android 6 or higher, you sometimes do not see your Google Tasks any more even if you have checked "Sync With Google Tasks" in your Settings. Android may have restricted the permissions for Outliner. Please Open Android's Apps Settings for Outliner and give Outliner the permissions it claims there. Then uncheck an check again "Sync With Google Tasks".

        Google is a bit picky if it comes to large Outlines. It only allows about 50-80 inserts/updates/moved/deletes per user at once. Sometimes more, sometimes less. You have to wait a while (Google does not define how long) and then try again. This is not connected to your internet speed.
        So if you have a large Outline with hundreds of entries it may need several tries until all activities are synced for the first time. So please be patient and try again a few times opening and closing the Outline until you don't get any more errors. Once the first sync is finished, this should not be a problem any more, because Outliner just syncs the changed activities. However there may be situations where you update a lot of activities. For instance if you let Outliner automatically finish a subtree and you finish a large subtree. Or if you delete a large subtree.

        Google refuses to delete it's default Outline, automatically created by Google Tasks for your account. If you delete it within Outliner, it immediately reappears after deletion. Even if you rename it, it makes no difference. Outliner does not know if it's the default Outline, so it let's you delete it without notice.

        Google does not let you uncheck a child activity as long a the parent is checked. So it is recommended to use 'Autofinish Branch' via 'Config Outline' together with Google Tasks sync. Otherwise Google will check the activity again while syncing.

        In 2019 Google launched it's own Tasks App for Android. It's great, but it restricts the number of levels to 2. Opening an Outline with more than 2 levels flattens the Outline. Every activity in deeper levels goes to level 2. So the structure of a complex Outline is destroyed.
        Google warns you before the flattening process. If you are fine with only two levels, you can use Google's App together with Outliner.
        If you finish activities in Google's Tasks App, they show up at the bottom of the list in Outliner. Don't move activities below or between those activities. After syncing Google automatically may change the position of the activities.

      • Google Tasks level restriction
      • Outliner supports infinite levels of activities.

        However, in 2019 Google unfortunately restricted the number of levels for Google Tasks synced Outlines to only 2 levels (activities and only 1 level of sub-activities). Google did this for it's own Tasks App and for the programming interface Outliner has to use for syncing to Google Tasks (as also several other Apps do).

        So Outliner had to restrict the number of levels to follow the rules of the Google sync interface.
        This is only the case if you work with Google Tasks synchronization. Local Outlines or Outlines synced with Dropbox allow infinite levels of sub activities.

        If you change the sync method of an Outline to Google Tasks, Outliner warns you about the level restriction.

        If you open an Outline with more levels (synced with Google Tasks), Outliner asks you what you want to do. You have several options:

        - Open the Outline and let Outliner flatten it to only 2 levels
        - Create a local copy
        - Cancel the operation

        If you are fine with only 2 levels you can let Outliner flatten your Outline. This means, all sub-activities are moved to level 2. Afterwards the Outline is compatible with other Apps syncing with Google Tasks.
        The first sync may last a few minutes because Outliner has so send all moved activities to Google Tasks.
        Outliner then prevents the creation of more then 2 levels for this Outline. You can't move a subtree to level 3. And if you paste a subtree as a child, Outliner moves all sub-activities to level 2.
        If you have a large Outline, the quickest way is to choose level restriction on one device with the latest Outline and a local copy (which you can delete afterwards) on all other devices.

        If you want more levels, you should choose to create a local copy. After that you have 2 Outlines with the same name. A Google Tasks synced one (the one with the Google icon on the right side) and a local one. If you need synchronization you should change the sync method of the local one via "Config Outline". Treeline Dropbox is a good choice because you get a free desktop Outliner in addition to the device synchronization. Have a look at the tutorial for the setup.

        Google does not let you uncheck a child activity as long a the parent is checked. So it is recommended to use 'Autofinish Branch' via 'Config Outline' together with Google Tasks sync. Otherwise Google will check the activity again while syncing.

        Experimental Google Tasks Multilevel:

        Despite of the things said above Google Tasks synchronization interface unofficially supports more levels. You can tell Outliner to use this interface via "Settings, Synchronization, Experimental Google Tasks Multilevel". Then you can create as many levels as you want and still use Google Tasks sync between your devices.
        Please keep in mind, that Google can remove this feature at any time. Your Outlines will then be flattened to only two levels.
        If you use Googles official Tasks App as well, you should stick to only two levels.

    • Treeline Dropbox
    • Treeline is a cool, free open source desktop Outliner available for Windows, Linux and Mac. It has a long tradition, is very stable and the developer carefully decides which features make sense.
      More information at http://treeline.bellz.org/

      Within Treeline you can freely define the node types yourself. That means you decide wich fields and field types you use in your Outline.
      However, Outliner only knows the following fields:

      - Name OneLineText
      - Text Text
      - Finished Boolean (imports the field 'Done' as well)
      - DueDat Date

      So please be careful if you set up syncing with a Treeline file you already use a while with Treeline. Treeline supports Outliner's features but Outliner is not a full featured Treeline client for Android. Import into a test Outline first. Check the Troubleshooting section below.
      No problem, if you start with an Outline from Outliner.

      How to set up the sync (take "Holiday" as an example):

      There is a special sync folder on the Desktop within your Dropbox folder (e.g. "C:\...\dropbox\apps\outliner\treeline"). Outliner creates it via Dropbox when it first saves a synced Outline or when you connect Outliner to your Dropbox account. This is the directory where all your synced TRLN-files are. With Treeline open or save your files in this directory.

      Before you begin, you have to connect Outliner to your Dropbox account:
      Settings, Synchronization, Dropbox Account, Add Dropbox Account

      If you start with an Outline on the desktop:

      - On the desktop put your working file "Holiday.trln" to the Dropbox folder into the directory "C:\...\dropbox\apps\outliner\treeline" (create the directory if it does not exist).
      - Create an Outline "Holiday" with Android Outliner. The name must be exactly the same as the prefix of the "trln"-file.
      - Configure the Outline for syncing to Treeline Dropbox (Config Outline).
      - When you open the new Outline, the data is imported from Dropbox.

      If you start with an Outline in Outliner:

      - Create a new Outline or use an existing one (e.g.: "Holiday").
      - Configure your Outline for syncing to Treeline Dropbox (Config Outline).
      - Ignore the message during the first sync, that there is no file found on Dropbox, because there is none :)
      - Change something and close the Outline.
      - On the desktop you will find a file "Holiday.trln" in your Dropbox folder in the directory "apps\outliner\treeline".
      - You can now open this file with Treeline.


      Outliner ignores all fields not listed above when syncing or importing. It also does not preserve other fields you manually defined in Treeline or any configuration of the node types.
      When you import into Treeline or when you copy entries on your desktop from other Treeline files, Treeline may create fieldnames not listed above. These fields are not synced to Outliner. In Treeline you should rename the fields before syncing to Outliner (Configure Data Types, Fieldlist, Rename Field). All Field names start with a Capital letter!

      Outliner does support Treeline's internal and external links but can't always open it. Please use a simple URL for HTTP links instead inside your notes. Don't mix Treeline's links and simple URL in the same note.

      Outliner does not support Treeline's clone feature. Outliner shows Treeline's cloned nodes correctly and tries to preserve it. However, if you change such nodes, it is not defined if the change is synced correctly, because Outliner changes clones into normal nodes.

      If you change your TRLNs on both, the desktop and the Android device, always the latest version of the Outline wins. You can change this behavior via Settings, Synchronization Settings, Dropbox Conflict Resolution".

      If changes on the desktop are not shown in Outliner, check if the TRLNs are in the correct directories in your Dropbox folder.
      Depending on the localization of your devices, your Dropbox "apps" folder may have an other name in your language.

      Treeline and Outliner support RichText (simple text formatting like bold, italic, ...). In Outliner you have to enable RichText for the certain Outline, if you want to use it. If you don't, you may see HTML tags like <b>bold text</b> in your text. Keep the formatting simple. Not every tag is understood by the other App.

      In Outliner you can create an empty Outline. Please keep in mind, that Treeline can't open empty Outlines and shows an error.

      Outliner does not support Treeline's file compression and file encryption. Please work with plain Treeline files.

    • Treeline USB
    • You configure your Outline for syncing "Treeline USB".
      Whenever Outliner saves the Outline, it also exports it to the SD-card to "...SD-Card-Folder.../outliner/sync/treeline/Holiday.trln".
      Whenever Outliner finds a newer file, it imports it when you open the Outline.
      Close Android Outliner before syncing.

      You have to use a third party application (like "Autosync", "Foldersync", "Resilio Sync", ...) which is responsible for the synchronisation of the TRLN-files between Android and your desktop.

      USB sync is more complicated than Dropbox sync. But if you have sensive data which you do not want to send to the cloud it is an alternative.

      Android's internal file manger can't access "android/data". Please use a third party file manager to access this folder. For instance:
      - Fv File Explorer: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.folderv.file
      - Cx File Explorer: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cxinventor.file.explorer
      - Total Commander: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ghisler.android.TotalCommander

      If you use Foldersync to synchronize Outliner's sync-folder with your Desktop or cloud service you may want to have a look at the Foldersync description of accessing "android/data":
      If you have a rooted device, you can enable Foldersync's root access permission and choose "android/data/at.ff.outliner" in the folder pair dialog.

    • Several Android Devices via Dropbox
    • If you have more than one Android device, you can use the Treeline Dropbox sync even if you do not use Treeline.

      Before you begin, you have to connect Outliner to your Dropbox account on all devices:
      Settings, Synchronization Settings, Dropbox Account, Add Dropbox Account

      Then simply create an Outline with exactly the same name on all of your devices and configure Dropbox sync for those Outlines (Config Outline, Synchronization = Treeline Dropbox).

      Keep in mind that this is not a real synchronization where you can change both sides without internet connection at the same time. But it works well in the same way as it does when you work on the same text file on different devices.

      If you want to share an Outline with your partner, you have to connect your partner's Outliner to your Dropbox account.

      You can also use this feature to back up an Outline to Dropbox whenever you change it. Even if you only have one device and no Treeline on the desktop.

      If you prefer a more common format, "OPML Dropbox" works as well.

    • OPML Dropbox
    • OPML is a popular Outline file format, many desktop Outliners can read and write. If you have a desktop Outliner which can open OPML Outlines (e.g. OmniOutliner on the Mac) you can setup a Dropbox synchronization between your desktop and your Android device.

      There is a special sync folder on the Desktop within your Dropbox folder (e.g. "C:\...\dropbox\apps\outliner\opml"). Outliner creates it via Dropbox when it first saves a synced Outline or when you connect Outliner to your Dropbox account. This is the directory where all your synced OPML-files are. With your desktop Outliner open or save your files in this directory.

      How to set up the sync (take "Holiday" as an example and a Windows Client):

      Before you begin, you have to connect Outliner to your Dropbox account:
      Settings, Synchronization, Dropbox Account, Add Dropbox Account

      Then you have to choose the correct OPML format your desktop Outliner understands:
      Settings, Synchronization, OPML Dialect
      Settings, Synchronization, OPML Date Format
      Please see "Activities, Import / Export, File Formats, OPML" in this manual for more details about OPML dialects.
      If you sync with more than one Android devices, the Settings must be the same on all of them.

      If you start with an Outline on the desktop:

      - On the desktop put your working file "Holiday.opml" to the Dropbox folder into the directory "C:\...\dropbox\apps\outliner\opml" (create the directory if it does not exist).
      - Create an Outline "Holiday" with Android Outliner. The name must be exactly the same as the prefix of the "opml"-file.
      - Configure the Outline for syncing to OPML Dropbox (Config Outline).
      - When you open the new Outline, the data is imported from Dropbox.

      If you start with an Outline in Outliner:

      - Create a new Outline or use an existing one (e.g.: "Holiday").
      - Configure your Outline for syncing to OPML Dropbox (Config Outline).
      - Ignore the message during the first sync, that there is no file found on Dropbox, because there is none :)
      - Change something and close the Outline.
      - On the desktop you will find a file "Holiday.opml" in your Dropbox folder in the directory "apps\outliner\opml".
      - You can now open this file with your desktop Outliner.


      Exporting brings the error "syncing failed: illegal argument exception":
      You probably imported/synced an invalid OPML file with a wrong/mixed character set. If you can't provide a correct file you may repair it with Outliner's help. Export it to CSV and import it again (check "Replace Outline").

      If you change your OPMLs on both, the desktop and the Android device, always the latest version of the Outline wins. You can change this behavior via Settings, Synchronization Settings, Dropbox Conflict Resolution".

      Depending on the localization of your devices, your Dropbox "apps" folder may have an other name in your language.

    • OPML USB
    • You configure your Outline for syncing "OPML USB".
      Whenever Outliner saves the Outline, it also exports it to the SD-card to "...SD-Card-Folder.../outliner/sync/opml/Holiday.opml".
      Whenever Outliner finds a newer file, it imports it when you open the Outline.
      Close Android Outliner before syncing.

      You have to use a third party application (like "Autosync", "Foldersync", "Resilio Sync", ...) which is responsible for the synchronisation of the OPML-files between Android and your desktop.

      USB sync is more complicated than Dropbox sync. But if you have sensitive data which you do not want to send to the cloud it is an alternative.

      Android's internal file manger can't access "android/data". Please use a third party file manager to access this folder. For instance:
      - Fv File Explorer: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.folderv.file
      - Cx File Explorer: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cxinventor.file.explorer
      - Total Commander: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ghisler.android.TotalCommander

      If you use Foldersync to synchronize Outliner's sync-folder with your Desktop or cloud service you may want to have a look at the Foldersync description of accessing "android/data":
      If you have a rooted device, you can enable Foldersync's root access permission and choose "android/data/at.ff.outliner" in the folder pair dialog.

    • Open Outline from file manager or cloud
      • It is possible to open Outliner's supported Outline formats directly from your SD-card with a file manager like Solid Explorer or ES-Explorer or from a cloud service like Dropbox or ownCloud.

        You may need this in the following situations:

        - your Outlines are in other cloud folders as the ones Outliner needs (e.g. not in the Dropbox "Apps\outliner" folder)
        - you use a cloud service other than Dropbox (e.g. OwnCloud, NextCloud)
        - you want to be sure that your Outlines are encrypted in the cloud (e.g. BoxCryptor, Cryptomator)
        - you use some third party sync tool (like folderSync or Resilio Sync or Dropsync) and want to organize your Outlines with a file manager

        In this case you simply open the file manager of your cloud service (e.g. the Dropbox App) choose your Outline file (e.g. holiday.opml) and open it via Outliner. Dropbox downloads the Outline file and hands it over to Outliner. If you change something in Outliner and come back, the Dropbox App uploads the Outline.
        You can't open such Outlines via Outliners "List Of Outlines". Always use your cloud app.

        If you try the sync mechanism with several devices and the same outline, please always give Dropbox some time to finish the upload before starting the download on the other device.

        While working with the Outline you can call "Config Outline" to change some settings regarding this Outline. Outliner remembers these configurations.
        However, Outliner does not save the Outline itself in it's database. This is because if you want to work with an encrypted folder, it is not a good idea to save the Outline unencrypted in a database. The drawback is, that these Outlines are not part of the Outliner backup.

        Please be aware that this may not work with all file managers or cloud services.
        Some of them do not send the correct mime type which does not show Outliner in the list of responsible Apps for the Outline.
        Some file manager or cloud services send the Outline readOnly. That means that Outliner can open the Outline but sending back the changed Outline fails with an error message.
        In this cases simply try another file manager.

      • DropBox
      • Just put your Outlines somewhere into your Dropbox, open your Android Dropbox App and click your Outline. If Dropbox asks you for the App you want to open the Outline with, choose "always open with Outliner".

        It is not a good idea to open Outlines from Outliner's regular Dropbox sync folder (apps/outliner). These Outlines are handled via the regular sync process.

        If you don't have a certain reason for opening your Outlines directly via Dropbox (for instance if you need another folder than the one outliner uses), please use Outliner's regular sync method.

      • Google Drive
      • Just put your Outlines somewhere onto your Google Drive, open your Drive App and use "Open With" via the menu button right of your Outline. Simply tapping the Outline opens Drives internal text viewer.
        If Drive asks you for the App you want to open the Outline with, choose "always open with Outliner".

      • ownCloud
      • OwnCloud is an alternative to the established cloud providers, if you want to keep control over your private data.
        Store calendar, contacts, files, ... on your private server or the provider of your choice.
        More information here:

        Just put your Outlines somewhere into your OwnCloud, open your Android OwnCloud App and click your Outline. If OwnCloud asks you for the App you want to open the Outline with, choose "always open with Outliner".

        If you start with an Outliner Outline:
        Export the Outline as Treeline TRLN (if this is your preferred Outline format). You have for instance a file "...SD-Card-Folder.../outliner/import/holiday.trln" after the export. Open your OwnCloud App and upload the file to any OwnCloud folder. You can open it with the OwnCloud App then and let it send to Outliner.
        You can delete the original Outline in Outliner's list of Outlines.

        If you already have an Outline in your OwnCloud folder (on your second device):
        Simply click it and let Outliner open it.

        It is important to set the OwnCloud option "Keep file up to date" via "long click, Details" for your Outline in the OwnCloud App. Otherwise the automatic upload does not work after you have changed something in Outliner.

        If you don't find Outliner's file folder on your internal SD-Card, please check "Settings, General Settings, SD Card Folder".

      • Nextcloud
      • Nextcloud, like ownCloud is an alternative to the established cloud providers, if you want to keep control over your private data.
        Store calendar, contacts, files, ... on your private server or the provider of your choice.
        More information here:

        Just put your Outlines somewhere into your Nextcloud, open your Android Nextcloud App and click your Outline. If Nextcloud asks you for the App you want to open the Outline with, choose "always open with Outliner".

        If you start with an Outliner Outline:
        Export the Outline as Treeline TRLN (if this is your preferred Outline format). You have for instance a file "...SD-Card-Folder.../outliner/import/holiday.trln" after the export. Open your Nextcloud App and upload the file to any Nextcloud folder. You can open it with the Nextcloud App then and let it send to Outliner.
        You can delete the original Outline in Outliner's list of Outlines.

        If you already have an Outline in your Nextcloud folder (on your second device):
        Simply click it and let Outliner open it.

        If you don't find Outliner's file folder on your internal SD-Card, please check "Settings, General Settings, SD Card Folder".

      • EDS (Encrypted Data Store)
      • EDS also is a great App helping you to encrypt sensitive data by providing a Truecrypt container.

        EDS creates/opens a Truecrypt container on your SD-Card.
        Copy your Outlines (an Outline export) to the EDS-container with the EDS App and open it from within EDS.
        EDS decrypts the Outline and opens it with Outliner. After closing it, EDS encrypts it again.
        Your secret Outlines stay save in the EDS-container.

        Be sure to know how to work with EDS before you start putting your production data inside. If you forget your password, your data is lost.

        - Troubleshooting

        If EDS does not recognize an extension (Outliner is not listed to open a file), you have to tell EDS about this extension.
        For instance for Treeline trln go to "EDS Settings, Override the mime type of a file based on its extension" and add this line:
        trln text/x-trln

      • BoxCryptor
      • If you have sensitive data in your Outlines, you may not want to store them in the cloud. On the other hand syncing two devices without cloud is a pain.

        The solution may be BoxCryptor.

        Boxcryptor creates an encrypted folder for your data which is synced with the cloud (with Dropbox for instance or any other provider). On your Android device you have a BoxCryptor App which decrypts the file on demand, opens it (for instance an Outline with Outliner) and encrypts it again after it is saved. BoxCryptor takes care not to leave unencrypted traces of your files after you closed it.

        It is always a good idea to close Outliner with the back button to come back to BoxCryptor and not send Outliner to the background with your home button.

        If you start with an Outliner Outline:
        Export the Outline as Treeline TRLN (if this is your preferred Outline format). You have for instance a file "...SD-Card-Folder.../outliner/import/holiday.trln" after the export. Open your BoxCryptor App and upload the file to your Boxcryptor folder. You can open it with the BoxCryptor App then and let it send to Outliner.
        You can delete the original Outline in Outliner's list of Outlines.

        If you already have an Outline in your BoxCryptor folder (on your second device):
        Simply click it and let Outliner open it.

        You can use BoxCryptor even if you do not use it's encryption feature because it can connect to a lot of cloud providers. For instance you can't open Outlines directly from your Cloud File Provider. However, you can use BoxCryptor connected with your Cloud File Provider and open Outlines in this way.


        In Boxcryptor you have to choose "OPEN IN ANOTHER APP", and then "Outliner" to let Outliner open the Outline.
        To be sure that Boxcryptor uploads the Outline and deletes the temporary files after editing it in Outliner, use the back button inside Boxcryptor until you see the list of files.

        If you don't find Outliner's file folder on your internal SD-Card, please check "Settings, General Settings, SD Card Folder".

      • Cryptomator
      • Cryptomator is another App which enables you to create an encrypted space (a vault) locally or in the cloud (Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, WebDav (e.g. for OwnCloud/Nextcloud)).

        Move your exported Outlines (I suggest Treeline TRLN file format) to the vault and open/edit it from the Cryptomator App.

        Have a look at their Website: https://cryptomator.org/. Cryptomator is open source.

    • Older supported Desktop Outliners
      • Bonsai Dropbox
      • Because Bonsai is not developed any more their Website may be down.
        However, a lot of people are still using Bonsai. So we keep it just for the records. Ignore this sync method if you don't already own Bonsai.

        Syncing to Bonsai Desktop via Dropbox (http://www.dropbox.com) is simple. Just put your working OTL to Outliners Dropbox folder, create an Outline with the same name on your phone and configure it for syncing to Bonsai Dropbox.
        Unfortunately the field level syncing you can use with USB sync does not work with Dropbox sync.

        The steps for the example setup in short:

        Before you begin, you have to connect Outliner to your Dropbox account:
        Settings, Synchronization, Dropbox Account, Add Dropbox Account

        If you start with an Outline on the desktop:

        - On the desktop put your working file "Holiday.OTL" to the Dropbox folder into the directory "C:\...\dropbox\apps\outliner\bonsai" (create the directory if it does not exist).
        - Create an Outline "Holiday" with Android Outliner.
        - Configure it for syncing to Bonsai Dropbox.
        - The first opening of the Outline should already reflect the desktop data.

        If you start with an Outline in Outliner:

        - Create a new Outline or use an existing one (e.g.: "Holiday").
        - Configure your Outline for syncing to Bonsai Dropbox.
        - Ignore the message during the first sync, that there is no file found on Dropbox, because there is none :)
        - Change something and close the Outline.
        - On the desktop you will find a file "Holiday.OTL" in the Dropbox folder in the directory "apps\outliner\bonsai".
        - Simply open this file with Bonsai.

        With the Dropbox sync you can also sync several Android devices with one desktop.


        If you change your OTLs on both, the desktop and the Android device, without having an internet connection, always the latest version of the Outline wins. You can change this behavior via Settings, Synchronization Settings, Dropbox Conflict Resolution".

        If changes on the desktop are not shown in Outliner, check if the OTLs are in the correct directories in your Dropbox folder.

        The field level syncing via setting up Bonsai file sync like you can do with USB sync does not work any more with Dropbox. Dropbox changed the way it locks the files while syncing. It now too quickly locks temporary Bonsai files - you get an error message similar to:
        Could not rename outline 'C:\Dropbox\Apps\outliner\bonsai\Holiday.OTL' when overwriting with updated version. Error code '0x000000b7'
        This is a Bonsai/Dropbox issue and we can't do anything to resolve it.

        Depending on the localization of your devices, your Dropbox "apps" folder may have an other name in your language.

      • Bonsai USB
      • Because Bonsai is not developed any more the Website below may be down.
        However, a lot of people are still using Bonsai. So we keep it just for the records. Ignore this sync method if you don't already own Bonsai.

        Syncing to Natara Bonsai uses the Natara Bonsai Desktop Synchronization Feature as described here:

        Be sure to understand how it works. Check the Bonsai User Manual.

        Bonsai needs a mounted device providing a drive letter like "Z:\" on your desktop. Modern Android devices mount via Media Transfer Protocol (MTP) which does not provide a drive letter. For some rooted devices there are tricks to mount the external SD-Card via a drive letter, but that is nothing for the faint hearted. In this case you better set up a Dropbox Sync.

        Outliner tries to preserve the Bonsai fields even if Outliner does not show the fields (in a future version it will show them). Right now this does NOT work for the following fields:
        - numeric field
        - parent of next action
        - all fields in the link-TAB
        - completed percentages when using tasks are always 0 or 100
        If you use this fields in Bonsai you may get sync conflicts which you must resolve manually (e.g. use desktop values for all conflicts).
        cut/copy/paste of subtrees also will not preserve these fields.


        You have your usual Outline file on the PC (e.g. "C:\...\Bonsai\Holiday.OTL"). The Bonsai desktop version is responsible for changing that Outline.

        Make a copy of this file to the phone's SD-card (e.g. "outliner/sync/bonsai/holiday.OTL"). If the SD-card is mounted to a drive (for instance drive "Z:\" - check you phone's manual how to do this), the second file must be exactly on "Z:\outliner\sync\bonsai\holiday.OTL".

        Bonsai Desktop must be configured to automatically sync with the file on the mounted SD-card. See "Properties" of an Outline in Bonsai Desktop.

        In Android Outliner there should be an Outline with exactly the same name (without OTL-Extension) (e.g. "Holiday"). The Outline is configured to sync to Natara Bonsai USB.
        Whenever Outliner saves the Outline, it also exports it to the SD-card to "...SD-Card-Folder.../outliner/sync/bonsai/Holiday.OTL".
        Close Android Outliner before syncing.

        To start syncing, mount the SD-card to the PC. Opening Bonsai or saving Outlines in Bonsai syncs the two files.
        Close Bonsai and mount the SD-card to the phone.

        Wait a few seconds after mounting the SD-card before opening the Outline.
        When the SD-card is mounted to the phone, and an Outline is opened, Android Outliner automatically imports any changed Outline from the SD-card's sync directory and substitutes the old Outline.

        Do not directly open the OTL-file on the SD-card with Bonsai.
        Do not edit synced Outlines on your phone when the SD-card is mounted to the PC.
        If you change the Outline names you have to reconfigure the setup.

        The steps for the example setup in short (starting with an Outline in Bonsai):

        - Check where Bonsai stores your Outlines.
        - Mount the SD-card to the PC.
        - On the PC copy "Holiday.OTL" to "Z:\outliner\sync\bonsai\holiday.OTL".
        - Configure Bonsai to automatically sync the two files.
        - Mount the SD-card to the phone.
        - Create an Outline "Holiday" with Android Outliner.
        - Configure it for syncing to Bonsai USB.
        - Open the Outline and Outliner will import it.

        The steps, if you start with an Outline in Outliner:

        - Export the Outline to the SD-card (e.g. "...SD-Card-Folder.../outliner/import/Holiday.OTL")
        - Mount the SD-card to the PC.
        - On the PC move "Z:\outliner\import\Holiday.OTL" to the directory where you store your Bonsai files.
        - Open it with Bonsai and save ist at least once.
        - On the PC copy Bonsai's "Holiday.OTL" to "Z:\outliner\sync\bonsai\holiday.OTL".
        - Configure Bonsai to automatically sync the two files.
        - Mount the SD-card to the phone.
        - Configure the Outline for syncing to Bonsai USB.


        If after a sync the Bonsai data changes do not reflect in Outliner but the other direction works, then you may not have set up the sync in Bonsai correctly.
        If for instance you use a third party tool for file sync (MyPhoneExplorer, FolderSync, ...) you must set up a working OTL and a sync OTL on the desktop, configure Bonsai to sync the two and set up MyPhoneExplorer to keep the sync OTL up to date on the desktop and the android device.

        If you don't find Outliner's file folder on your internal SD-Card, please check "Settings, General Settings, SD Card Folder".

        If you use Foldersync to synchronize Outliner's sync-folder with your Desktop or cloud service you may want to have a look at the Foldersync description of accessing "android/data":
        If you have a rooted device, you can enable Foldersync's root access permission and choose "android/data/at.ff.outliner" in the folder pair dialog.

      • Treepad Dropbox
      • Because Treepad is not developed any more the Website below may be down.
        However, a lot of people are still using Treepad. So we keep it just for the records. Ignore this sync method if you don't already own Treepad.

        Treepad is a well known Desktop Outliner, which has a free version (Treepad Lite) and also commercial versions with more features.
        Treepad Lite is available for Windows and Linux. With Jreepad there is also a Java implementation from another developer which runs on Mac and Linux.
        More information here:

        Outliner syncs with Treepad files (*.hjt). That means, that you have a free desktop companion for Mac, Windows and Linux for Android Outliner.

        Outliner tries to preserve all Treepad data even if it can't show all information of the Treepad commercial versions (pictures, RTF-formatted text, ...) in a meaningful way. Text based nodes can be changed on both sides, the desktop and Android. Simply ignore all other nodes in Android Outliner. For RTF-formatted text Outliner does it's best to extract plain text and shows it readonly. That means, you can read the extracted plain text, but you can't change the text.

        Unfortunately Treepad Lite and Jreepad have no "due date" and no "finished flag" and do not preserve this data after syncing. The commercial versions of Treepad have a "finished flag" which is preserved on sync.

        There is a special sync folder on the Desktop within your Dropbox folder (e.g. "C:\...\dropbox\apps\outliner\treepad"). Outliner creates it via Dropbox when it first saves a synced Outline or when you connect Outliner to your Dropbox account. This is the directory where all your synced HJT-files are. With Treepad open or save your files in this directory.

        How to set up the sync (take "Holiday" as an example):

        Before you begin, you have to connect Outliner to your Dropbox account:
        Settings, Synchronization, Dropbox Account, Add Dropbox Account

        If you start with an Outline on the desktop:

        - On the desktop put your working file "Holiday.hjt" to the Dropbox folder into the directory "C:\...\dropbox\apps\outliner\treepad" (create the directory if it does not exist).
        - Create an Outline "Holiday" with Android Outliner. The name must be exactly the same as the prefix of the "hjt"-file.
        - Configure the Outline for syncing to Treepad Dropbox (Config Outline).
        - When you open the new Outline, the data is imported from Dropbox.

        If you start with an Outline in Outliner:

        - Create a new Outline or use an existing one (e.g.: "Holiday").
        - Configure your Outline for syncing to Treepad Dropbox (Config Outline).
        - Ignore the message during the first sync, that there is no file found on Dropbox, because there is none :)
        - Change something and close the Outline.
        - On the desktop you will find a file "Holiday.hjt" in your Dropbox folder in the directory "apps\outliner\treepad".
        - You can now open this file with Treepad.


        If you work with Jreepad, the following settings are essential:
        In Outliner's Settings check the Flag "Export Treepad 2.x" (if you get an error when opening an exported HJT-file with Jreepad).
        In Jreepad's preferences set the character encoding to "ISO-8859-1" (for correct western special characters) or "UTF-8" (for a non western character set like russian or chinese).
        In Outliner's Settings you must choose the same character set in "Treepad Character Set".
        Please do not experiment with character sets with your production data! You may overwrite your data with wrong characters. Use a test-Outline instead.

        If you use a non western character set on your desktop you must choose the correct one in Outliner's "Settings, Synchronization, Treepad Character Set".
        Please do not experiment with character sets with your production data! You may overwrite your data with wrong characters. Use a test-Outline instead.

        If the check state does not sync with your Treepad Biz edition, you my have checked the Flag "Export Treepad 2.x" in Outliner settings. Please uncheck it.

        If you change your HJTs on both, the desktop and the Android device, always the latest version of the Outline wins. You can change this behavior via Settings, Synchronization Settings, Dropbox Conflict Resolution".

        If changes on the desktop are not shown in Outliner, check if the HJTs are in the correct directories in your Dropbox folder.

        If your imported text is readonly, unreadable or includes strange character combinations:
        Please keep in mind, that Outliner ist text based. It preserves RTF-formatted nodes from Treepad but it does not show them properly. For RTF-formatted text Outliner does it's best to extract plain text and shows it readonly. That means, you can read the extracted plain text, but you can't change the text.
        In Treepad the default node format is plain text. But when you format your text there (font, italic, bold,...), add pictures or links, Treepad changes to RTF.
        In Treepad you can change the format back to plain text if you position the mouse over a node in the tree on the left side and choose "right mouse button, convert, all subtree articles to plain text". Be careful with that if you have pictures in your nodes.

        Depending on your Treepad version, Treepad may truncate long node names at 140-260 Characters. So do not use to long activity names. Activity notes should not lead to a length problem.

        Depending on the localization of your devices, your Dropbox "apps" folder may have an other name in your language.

      • Treepad USB
      • Because Treepad is not developed any more this may be obsolete information for most users.
        However, a lot of people are still using Treepad. So we keep it just for the records. Ignore this sync method if you don't already own Treepad.

        You configure your Outline for syncing "Treepad USB".
        Whenever Outliner saves the Outline, it also exports it to the SD-card to "...SD-Card-Folder.../outliner/sync/treepad/Holiday.hjt".
        Whenever Outliner finds a newer file, it imports it when you open the Outline.
        Close Android Outliner before syncing.

        You have to use a third party application (like "Dropsync", "Foldersync", "Resilio Sync", ...) which is responsible for the synchronisation of the HJT-files between Android and your desktop.

        USB sync is more complicated than Dropbox sync. But if you have sensive data which you do not want to send to the cloud it is an alternative.

        If you use Jreepad - the Jreepad settings from the "Treepad Dropbox"-section above also apply to Treepad USB.

        If you use Foldersync to synchronize Outliner's sync-folder with your Desktop or cloud service you may want to have a look at the Foldersync description of accessing "android/data":
        If you have a rooted device, you can enable Foldersync's root access permission and choose "android/data/at.ff.outliner" in the folder pair dialog.

      • fargo.io
      • Update:
        Unfortunately Fargo stopped working in 2017, because of a changing Dropbox API.
        However if you used Fargo, you just lose your desktop Outliner. You can open the OPML-files as before from your Android Dropbox App. Or you can import the OPML-files into Outliner and use any other sync method.

        Old information:

        Fargo is (was) a cool free online Outliner made by Dave Winer, the inventor of OPML.

        Fargo stores the Outlines as OPML files in your Dropbox.

        Because Fargo respects your privacy it only uses it's own folder in your Dropbox and has no access to other folders. Outliner also only has access to it's own folder in Dropbox. This is the reason why Outliner can't directly open Fargo OPMLs.

        If you already have a Fargo Outline:
        Simply open your Dropbox App, go to "Apps/Fargo" and choose an OPML file saved before by Fargo. Tell Dropbox to always let Outliner open OPML files if Dropbox asks you. That's it.

        If you start with an Outliner Outline:
        Export the Outline as OPML. You have for instance a file "...SD-Card-Folder.../outliner/import/holiday.opml" after the export. Open your Dropbox App and upload the file to "Apps/Fargo". You can open it with Fargo then and with Outliner.
        You can delete the original Outline in Outliner's list of Outlines.

        Please keep in mind that Outliner is text based. Fargo is able to add some formatting to the texts. Outliner keeps the formatting but the texts may be less readable.

        Outliner only knows the following OPML attributes:
        text, _note, _status, due-date
        Fargo knows some extra attributes like isComment, icon, type, url, ...
        In addition you can create any new attributes within Fargo.
        Those extra attributes are lost after syncing with Outliner. So if you rely on those attributes, please don't open the OPMLs with Outliner.

        After changing something in Fargo, please let Fargo a few seconds time to save the OPML file and upload it to Dropbox before you open it on your Android device. To avoid sync conflicts it is best to always close the Outlines at one side before opening them at the other side.

        If you don't find Outliner's file folder on your internal SD-Card, please check "Settings, General Settings, SD Card Folder".

  • Settings
    • Seeing the list of Outlines you can enter the settings dialog by pressing the menu button or, depending on your device and screen size directly via a button in your action bar.
      There are some global settings to change and the functionality to backup/restore your Outlines.

    • Appearance Settings
      • Here you change settings connected to Outliner's appearance.

      • Themes (PRO)
      • If you have the professional version you can choose between different themes (like Light or Dark).

        The Dark theme is optimized for AMOLED displays and shows a black background.
        Dark Gray is almost black. It has a better readability than Dark.
        The Classic theme shows an older light color scheme Outliner provided in pre Material Design times. If you like it, stick to it.
        Automatic (system) respects the system-wide night mode. This only works for Android 10+. If a dark theme is chosen in Android's settings, Outliner automatically uses Dark Gray.

      • Language
      • Outliner's default language is English. However if Outliner is localized for the language your device is set to, you will see the localized language, es long as you choose "System".

        You can override this by choosing any other available language.
        You might for instance prefer English because the tutorial is in English.

      • Sort Order Outline List (PRO)
      • You can decide whether you want your Outlines sorted alphabetically or manual.
        Manual sort order means that you can use Drag & Drop to reorder the list of Outlines.

        With manual sort order new Outlines are placed at the beginning of the list.

        Please keep in mind that if you rename a synced Outlines you may have to rename it on your other devices as well.

      • Font Size Outline List (PRO)
      • Configure the font size of the list of Outlines.

        This is useful if you have high resolution device where the font is too small or if you want to show more information on the screen.

      • Activity Count Outline List
      • Enable or disable the counter of the number of activities (total/due) on the right border of your list of Outlines.
      • Finish Percentage Activity (PRO)
      • Enable or disable the display of the Finish Percentage in the list of Activities.
        This helps to track the progress of your projects if you organize them with Outliner.

        Outliner always calculates the finish percentage of the children (including the whole subtree). It counts all activities and the finished ones and calculates the percentage. Outliner does not include the parent (the activity for which you want to know the finish percentage) into this calculation as long as it is not a leaf (the outermost item of a branch, an item without children). So, roots and inner activities always get their percentage from their children. Leaves are 0% or 100% depending on their own finish flag.

        Only values not equal to 0 are displayed. So the numbers are not in your way if you don't use the finish checkbox at all.

        You may want to use this feature together with "Automatically Finish Branch" (Config Outline). This automatically finishes the parent after all children are checked.

      • Font Size Edit Dialog
      • Configure the font size of the Activity Edit dialog.

        This is useful if you have high resolution device where the font is too small or if you want to show more information on the screen.

      • Button Style
      • Choose an alternative button style for the expand/collapse buttons in the list of activities.
        A small circle or a small triangle for instance.

      • Button Padding
      • Depending on the size of your fingers and the resolution of your phone it can be difficult to correctly hit the buttons in the list. You might accidentally start editing an activity instead of expanding a sub-tree.

        To avoid this you can tell the system to enlarge the size of the buttons by surrounding them with empty space. Try the different values and choose the one being the best compromise between wasted room and good usability.

      • Scrollbar at the left
      • Outliner supports "fast scroll" for the list of activities, if it is a longer list.
        That means:
        Tapping at the scrollbar while in scroll mode quickly moves the list to this position.
        Grapping the scrollbar handle and moving it quickly scrolls the whole list.

        If you sometimes accidentally touch the scrollbar (e.g. Instead of the drag handle) and get lost in the list, you can place the scrollbar at the left side with this setting.

      • Indentation Distance
      • Depending on your device, your font size and your personal preference you can adjust the distance, a child activity is moved right in comparison to it's parent.

        Level Colors (PRO only) are an additional method to better visualize the levels.

      • Font Finished
      • Configure how a finished activity looks like in a list. Choose the standard font or stroke through or gray letters.

      • Number Of Note Lines
      • Configure how many lines of notes are shown in the activity list. The default value is 5 lines.
        You can configure per Outline if notes are shown at all for that Outline.

      • Font Size Notes Activitiy List
      • Set the font size for the notes shown in the activity list below the activity name.
        This is a relative value to the font size for the activity name, which is a per-outline-setting (Config Outline).

        Via "Config Outline" you can decide if the notes are shown at all for this Outline in the list of activities.

      • Date Format
      • Set a date format for Outliner's user interface.
        "System" is the default format according to your language setting.
        You can override it if you prefer an alternative date format.

    • General Settings
      • Here you change settings connected to Outliner's behavior.

      • Confirm Delete
      • Check this, if you want Outliner always ask for a confirmation, when you delete an Activity.

        No matter how you set this parameter, Outliner always will ask you before you delete an Outline.

      • Add Activity At The Top
      • Usually if you press the "+" button in the action bar or the transparent one at the bottom of the list, Outliner adds a new activity at the end of the list. With this setting checked, an activity always is added at the top of the list.

        Tip: A long click at the transparent "+"- button at the bottom always does it the other way round.

      • Drag & Drop In All Views
      • The small button on the right side of every list item of the activity lists can be used to Drag & Drop an activity to another position within the list. In this Setting you can hide or show the button for all lists.
        However, in move mode the button always stays visible. And in the Todo-view Drag & Drop does not make sense so it is always hidden.

      • Remember Last Position
      • Checking this setting stores your last position, if you leave an Outline.
        Opening the Outline again puts you where you were before.

        Unchecking this always starts an Outline at the topmost position.

      • Install Tutorial
      • Whenever you download a new version of Outliner, you also get a new version of this tutorial.

        Do not add your working data to the Tutorial Outline as it gets updated with a new version and your data will be lost then. Simply create a new Outline for your data and use the tutorial for training purposes and as an information source.

        If you don't need the tutorial, you can safely delete it and tell the system never to install it again by unchecking this box.

      • Set Inbox (PRO)
      • Here you define which Outline is your inbox.

        You can use Outliner as a target for sharing texts from different other Apps.
        In your Browser for instance, if you want to remember a web site, you can add it to your Outliner's inbox by sharing/sending the URL.

        If you are used working with the GTD (getting things done) method you usually use an inbox as a place where your activities land first before they get a better place.

      • Notification Policy (PRO)
      • You may want to get notified, if the due date of an activity which is not yet finished is reached.
        Here you can choose, if you want to get notified about activities due today or also about activities due in the past or if you don't want any notification at all. Notifications only work with Outliner's PRO version.

        Every night at 2am (also after you leaved the Settings) Outliner looks for unfinished due activities and, for every Outline with due activities, writes a notification into your notification area at the top of your screen. Tapping the notification opens the Outline in ToDo View.

        If you work with more than one device and synchronization, please keep in mind that, if you set a due date on one device, the due date on the other device only changes after you open the Outline there and, with the opening, start the synchronization. That means, you may not get a notification on your other device unless you have opened the Outline at least once.

        If you have a lot of Outlines and you get too many notifications, "Notify Due Today" might be the better option than "Notify Due Today And Past".

      • Swipe Sensitivity
      • Sensitivity for the moving right/left gesture in the activity list.

        Change this to a lower value if you have problems with unwanted swipes while scrolling or tapping. Even if your device recognizes a swipe gesture, Outliner only moves the activity after a longer swipe.

        Use a higher value if you want Outliner to recognize swipes easier (with shorter swipe distances).

      • Delete Search History
      • If you search for Activities, Outliner stores a history of your search terms. These terms are suggested in a new search.
        For privacy reasons or if the list grows too long for you, you can delete all entries.

      • SD Card Folder
      • This Setting tells you where on your internal SD-Card Outliner stores it's exports or backups or where it expects import files.
        Depending on your Android version there may be more then one possibility you can choose from. Changing the path copies all files and folders to the new location.
        "Clipboard" copies the path to the clipboard.

        In general on newer Android Versions (11++) after installing Outliner you will find Outliner's files on the main storage of your internal SD-Card under:
        Keep in mind, that uninstalling Outliner also removes these files/folders including Outline backups.
        For an explanation why Outliner uses this folder please look for "scoped storage" on the internet.
        e.g.: https://www.androidcentral.com/what-scoped-storage
        Android 11++ forces Apps to use this folder instead of the root folder of your internal SD-Card.

        Android's internal file manger can't access "android/data". Please use a third party file manager to access this folder. For instance:
        - Fv File Explorer: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.folderv.file
        - Cx File Explorer: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cxinventor.file.explorer
        - Total Commander: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ghisler.android.TotalCommander

        On older Android versions or if you upgraded to a newer version you
        will find Outliner's files on the main storage of your internal SD-Card under:
        After uninstalling Outliner the files and folders below this folder are kept intact and are not removed.

        Where this tutorial refers to the folder it always uses "...SD-Card-Folder.../outliner".
        If you don't find the folder, please check "Settings, General Settings, SD Card Folder".

    • Backup / Restore (PRO)
      • If you have the Professional Version, you can backup all your Outlines to and restore them from your (internal) SD card.

        Whenever you start a backup, Outliner saves the Outlines to a file in Outliners backup directory (e.g.: "...SD-Card-Folder.../outliner/backup/outliner.2021-10-23_18-11"). The next backup creates a new backup file with a new date/time.

        "Backup Generations" defines how many of the backup files are held in the backup directory.

        "Backup Schedule" lets you define automatic backups. Daily backups are executed at 01:00 AM, weekly backups on sunday at 01:00 AM and monthly backups on the first day of the month at 01:00 AM.
        In most cases hourly backups do not make sense. Only use them if you have a good reason.

        "Backup to Dropbox" always sends the latest Backup to the Dropbox account connected with Outliner.
        This happens during a manual backup, but also during the nightly backup if enabled.
        Your device must be online during the Backup to let Outliner send the backup to Dropbox.
        You will find the backup in Dropbox under "Apps/outliner/backup".
        The filename is "outliner.backup.YOUR_DEVICE_NAME". With the help of the device name you can distinguish backups from different devices to the same Dropbox account.
        If nothing has changed in your Outlines since the last upload to Dropbox, Outliner will not upload the backup.

        "Backup to ..." backs up to Outliner's SD-Card-Folder and additionally lets you choose a folder where Outliner copies the backup to. You will see Android's standard directory chooser. Choose for instance the download folder or even Dropbox or Google Drive inside the directory chooser as a sharing target.
        This is helpful on a newer device if you do not use a file manager having access to Outliner's SD-Card-Folder.

        If you use "Restore", Outliner shows a list of available backups in your backup directory. You may also open a file picker (Pick Other), to chose a backup file from any other location, even from Google Drive or Dropbox. The latter is helpful if you change your device and enabled "Backup To Dropbox" on your old device.
        After choosing a backup, Outliner asks you if you really want to overwrite your actual data.

        When installing a new version from the Google Play Store, Outliner may initiate a backup in the background, if the update is critical.


        Always regularily copy Outliner's backup directory to a save place outside your phone. For instance to your Desktop.
        Keep in mind that your phone can break, get stolen or lost.
        Even if you set up a Dropbox sync for your Outlines, use Outliner's backup feature for the whole database. Just to be on the save side.


        If the automatic nightly backup does not work, you may stumble upon the battery optimization of your device. New Android devices try to restrict background activities of the Apps. Sometimes they do too much and stop Apps completely.
        So please have a look at your Android "Settings, Battery, Menu, Battery Optimization" (or similar, depending on your device). Please set Outliner to NOT optimized and check, if the backup works in the next night.
        Also don't install so called "task killers" claiming to provide more memory and better battery life!

        If you don't find Outliner's file folder on your internal SD-Card, please check "Settings, General Settings, SD Card Folder".

        Android's internal file manger can't access "android/data". Please use a third party file manager to access this folder. For instance:
        - Fv File Explorer: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.folderv.file
        - Cx File Explorer: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cxinventor.file.explorer
        - Total Commander: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ghisler.android.TotalCommander

        Android's file picker can't access files below "android/data". If, on newer devices, Outliner's backup directory is located under "android/data", put your backup files into your download folder.

        If your device is in data save mode, Outliner respects this setting and does not send a backup to Dropbox. You can add Outliner to the "unrestriced list" of your data saver in the Android Settings.

      • Migrating To A New Phone
      • Usually Android does the job to migrate your Outlines to a new phone as long as you enabled backups inside the Android Settings on your old phone and you connect you new phone with the same Android account. After installing Outliner, Android should restore your data automatically. If, for any reason, this does not work, you can use Outliner's mechanisms to migrate your Outlines.

        Use Backup / Restore if you change your phone.

        - Dropbox Method

        Enable "Backup To Dropbox" on your old phone (Settings, Backup/Restore) and make a backup.
        Then start a restore on the new phone. Use "Pick Other" to open a file picker and choose a backup from Dropbox (apps/outliner/backup). The backup file is copied to your backup folder on the new phone. You can easily restore the Outlines then.

        - File Transfer method

        Either make a backup on your old device and copy Outliners SD-backup folder ("...SD-Card-Folder.../outliner/backup") to the new phone into your download folder.
        Or alternatively make a backup via "Settings, Backup To ..." on your old device. Choose the download folder as target. Copy the backup file from the download folder of your old device to the download folder of your new device.
        Then start a restore on the new phone. Use "Pick Other" to open a file picker and choose a backup from the previous copied files in your download folder. With the file picker you can even choose backup files from Dropbox or Google Drive.


        The tricky part may be to find the 'outliner' folder on your SD-card (usually the internal one)
        If you don't find Outliner's file folder on your internal SD-Card, please check "Settings, General Settings, SD Card Folder".

        Android's internal file manger can't access "android/data". Please use a third party file manager to access this folder. For instance:
        - Fv File Explorer: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.folderv.file
        - Cx File Explorer: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cxinventor.file.explorer
        - Total Commander: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ghisler.android.TotalCommander

        Via "Settings, Backup/Restore, Backup to ..." you can choose a folder of your choice for a manual backup. Use this on your old device, if you can't access Outliners SD-backup folder.

        Android's file picker can't access files below "android/data". If, on newer devices, Outliner's backup directory is located under "android/data", put your copied backup files into your download folder and use "Pick Other" when restoring.

        If you don't have the PRO version or if you just want to migrate some of your Outlines you can use Export / Import as described above.

    • Synchronization Settings (PRO)
      • Here you change general synchronization settings like character sets, file formats, ...

      • Sync With Google Tasks (PRO)
      • Checking this item enables synchronization with Google Tasks.

        When asked, choose your Google account and give Outliner the permission to access your Google Tasks. After coming back to the list of Outlines you see your Google Tasks in the list of Outlines. Sync is indicated by a small icon at the right.

        There is a detailed description about syncing with Google Tasks in the Chapter "Sync With Other Systems".

      • Experimental Google Tasks Multilevel
      • Google Tasks officially only supports two levels.
        However, Google Tasks synchronization interface unofficially supports more levels. You can tell Outliner to use this interface. Then you can create as many levels as you want and still use Google Tasks sync between your devices.

        Please keep in mind, that Google can remove this feature at any time. Your Outlines will then be flattened to only two levels.
        If you use Googles official Tasks App as well, you should stick to only two levels.

      • Dropbox Account (PRO)
        • Let Outliner know, which Dropbox Account you want to use for synchronization.

        • Add Dropbox Account (PRO)
        • Connect Outliner to your Dropbox account. This tells Dropbox that Outliner is allowed to read from and write to Outliner's dedicated folder within your Dropbox.

          - Dropbox 3-device limit

          Outliner's connection to Dropbox does not count for the 3-device limit of your free Dropbox account. If you have more devices and different Dropbox accounts, please use the same Dropbox account for all of your Outliner-Dropbox connections. Even if the Dropbox App on your device is connected to a different Dropbox account.
          Unfortunately Dropbox does not allow to share the App folder. So you should use your 3 devices for your Desktops. And use the Dropbox sharing feature for other folders on your mobile devices with alternative Dropbox accounts.

        • Unlink Dropbox Account (PRO)
        • Let Outliner forget the connection to your Dropbox account.
          You can revoke the permission also with your Browser in your Dropbox.

          You can always add the account again later.

        • Dropbox Conflict Resolution (PRO)
        • If you change a Dropbox synced Outline on both devices without properly letting Outliner upload the Outline to Dropbox, you get a sync conflict. This can happen if you do not have an internet connection while changing an Outline or if you do not close an Outline after changing it.

          Here you can choose the method how to resolve a Dropbox version conflict.

          Overwrite Conflict:
          This device always overwrites a newer version on Dropbox. This means, the latest version always wins.
          If you are not sure how to handle conflicted copies, always choose this option.

          Create Conflicted Copy:
          This is rather an expert Option.
          If there is a newer version on Dropbox, Outliner saves the Outline (including your last changes) into a new file named "... (conflicted Copy)" on Dropbox. Next time you open the Outline you will see the newer version from your other device and your latest changes of this device are lost.
          However, with your Android Dropbox App you can open the Conflicted Copy file. It is found for instance for Treepad files under: "apps/outliner/treepad". On your Desktop, it is also possible to Open the Outline, if you have a Desktop Outliner (treepad in the above example).

      • Export Treepad 2.x (PRO)
      • If you sync with Jreepad, you must tell Outliner to export to an older Treepad file format. Jreepad does not know new Treepad fields and brings errors when it tries to open a newer file format.

      • Treepad Character Set (PRO)
      • Treepad usually works with a western character set (ISO-8859-1). This is also Outliners default setting when it syncs with Treepad. For a non western character set choose the one you also use on your desktop.

        If you use Jreepad as a desktop Outliner you can configure the character set there. This is useful if you do not have a western character set (e.g. Russian or Chinese). Then use "UTF-8" in Outliner's configuration setting and also set the character set in Jreepad accordingly.
        For a western character set use "ISO-8859-1" in Outliner's settings (the default value) and in Jreepad.

        Your chosen character set is also valid for importing/exporting HJT-files.

      • OPML Dialect (PRO)
      • OPML is a popular Outline file format, many desktop Outliners can read and write. You find examples and the description of the OPML-format here:

        Plain OPML only defines the structure and the node names. Every Outliner invents its own tags for notes, checkboxes, due dates. Here you define which dialect Outliner should read/write while importing/exporting/syncing.

        - OPML Dialect, Plain OPML
        Outliner creates a new activity for the notes when exporting OPML. This destroys your structure but keeps your data if your import target does not understand notes.

        - OPML Dialect, Description Attribute
        Outliner puts the notes into a "description" attribute.
        The "description" attribute keeps your Outline structure but not every Outliner application can read it.

        - OPML Dialect, OmniOutliner
        Outliner reads and writes an OPML dialect the well known Mac OmniOutliner can understand.
        Please keep in mind, that Outliner is text based and only has a fixed amount of columns. With OmniOutliner you can define as much columns as you want and you can also apply text formatting to the columns.
        When you save the File as OPML within OmniOutliner you lose the text formatting.
        Outliner only understands the following column names: text, _note, _status, due-date
        All others you manually defined in OmniOutliner will get lost after importing.

      • OPML Date Format (PRO)
      • Please choose the date format you prefer and your desktop Outliner understands.

        If you use OPML to sync several Android devices, please be sure to set the same date format on every device.
        The default value is "dd.MM.yy" which fits to the default value of the OPML dialect for OmniOutliner.

      • HTML Style (PRO)
      • Define the way Outliner creates the HTML file, when exporting to HTML or sharing an Outline.

        - Bullet List

        The Outline looks similar like in the App. You see a bullet list in a tree structure. This is fine if you want to share it more or less "read only".

        - Headings

        This format is ideal if you want to open the exported HTML file with Word and change the content or the formatting in Word. Every Activity name is a heading and the Activity notes are normal text. This makes it easy for instance to add a table of content or to automatically number the headings or apply a different style or font to the document.

    • Send Log File
    • In case something goes wrong, you can send log information to the developer. The log file in many cases helps to analyze the problem and to find a solution.

      Your standard mail program opens with a default destination address to the developer and the log information as attachment.
      Please carefully describe your problem in the mail before sending it.

  • Privacy Policy
    • By default and if you do not explicitly configure an Outline for cloud sync, Outliner does not send any data to external servers.

      The following section explains in detail Outliners behavior connected to privacy issues, for instance when it writes data to the SD card or how it handles the login to your Dropbox account.

    • Permissions explained
    • Android Apps have to define which permissions they need to work properly. On older android versions you see these permissions when installing the App. On newer Android versions you are asked for sensitive permission when the App first needs it.

      Outliner needs the following permissions:

      - Contacts (find accounts on the device)

      To find your Google Account for Google Tasks sync.

      - Storage (read from and write to your Sd-card)

      To import, export, backup and sync.

      - install shortcuts

      To create a shortcut to a certain Outline in your launcher.

      - run at startup

      To create a timer for nightly backups and notifications. Outliner does not permanently run in background.

      - network access, view network connections

      Needed for syncing. If you do not use this feature, Outliner does not use your internet connection.

      - start foreground service

      Start nightly backup service and due notification service.

      - Notification

      Show notifications while syncing or if errors occur.

      Even if the official permission for account info is named "Contacts", Outliner does not and is not even able to read your contacts. Outliner just can list the Google Accounts on your device so that you are able to choose one for Google Tasks sync.
      If you deny this permission, Outliner works normally but you can't use Google Tasks Sync.

      With "Storage" Outliner can potentially read and write the public parts of your internal SD card. However, Outliner only reads from and writes to the folder "outliner" and does not touch other parts of your SD card.
      Outliner does not work properly if you deny this permission.

    • Outline Data
    • Outliner stores the Outlines in Android's internal flash memory. So the Outlines are usually protected by Android's security mechanisms as long as you do not root your phone and keep your phone password- or pin protected.

      If you install a new version of Outliner from the market, Outliner makes a backup of your Outlines to the SD-card into the folder "outliner\backup", if the update is critical. This data is not protected if you lose your phone (if it is unencrypted). If you delete the files (e.g. for security reasons), you lose this backup, but not your working Outlines.

    • Sync, Export, Import, Share
    • If you sync, export, import or share Outlines, a copy of the affected Outlines is stored on your SD-Card below the folder "...SD-Card-Folder.../outliner/import" or "...SD-Card-Folder.../outliner/sync". This data is not protected if you lose your phone (and it is unencrypted). You can delete it without harming your working Outlines.
      If you don't find Outliner's file folder on your internal SD-Card, please check "Settings, General Settings, SD Card Folder".

    • Cloud sync
    • If you configure an Outline to sync to the Cloud (e.g. Dropbox, Google Tasks), data of exactly this Outline is sent to and loaded from your personal account there. A copy of the affected Outline is stored on your SD-Card below the folder "...SD-Card-Folder.../outliner/sync".

      Outliner does not save or even know your Dropbox or Google password. Outliner stores a ticket got from Dropbox to log in to Dropbox whenever you sync. This ticket is protected by Android's security mechanisms as long as you do not root your phone. You can delete this ticket by "unlinking your Dropbox account" in Outliners "settings".

      For Google Tasks, Outliner asks for permission to access Google Tasks, when you set up the sync first. Google remembers that you permitted the access. With your browser logged into your Google Account you can revoke this permission at any time.

      Cloud sync also is the reason for Outliners "Internet Permissions".
      Google Tasks sync is the reason for the permission "Contacts" (find accounts on the device) and "Access Network State".

    • Opening Outlines directly from cloud
    • If you open Outlines directly from a file manager or e.g. BoxCryptor, Outliner does not save the Outline itself in it's database or export it to any other file than the source outline file. This is because if you want to work with an encrypted folder, it is not a good idea to save the Outline unencrypted in a database. The drawback is, that these Outlines are not part of the Outliner backup.

    • Backup
    • If you use Outliners "Backup", a backup of all your working Outlines is stored on your SD-Card below the Folder "...SD-Card-Folder.../outliner/backup". This data is not protected if you lose your phone (and it is unencrypted). If you delete the files, you lose your backups, but not your working Outlines.
      If you don't find Outliner's file folder on your internal SD-Card, please check "Settings, General Settings, SD Card Folder".

      If you use "Backup To Dropbox", an unencrypted backup file of your Outlines are sent to the Dropbox which is connected with Outliner (Folder: "Apps/outliner/backup"). You may want to avoid this, if your Outlines contain sensitive data.

      You should keep an additional copy of the backups somewhere else.

      If you open Outlines directly from Dropbox or a file manager, these Outlines are not saved in Outliner's database and therefore are not part of the backup.

    • Log Information
    • Via Outliners "Settings" you can send a system log file via mail to the developer if something goes wrong.
      You can have a look at the information before you send it.
      On Android 2.x and below the log data may contain private information which other Apps write into the log.
      On Android 3.x and higher the log only includes information written by Outliner itself. No confidential data is included.

      The sent log file can be found in "...SD-Card-Folder.../outliner/import/outliner.log" on the Sd-card. Outliner does not delete the file after sending it.

      Outliner uses the system permission "android.permission.READ_LOGS" to read the log information.

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